7-12 years Old

Our youth program provides children with the tools and skills they need to achieve their goals. Children who study martial arts…

  • Develop better social skills
  • Perform well in school
  • Learn how to set and achieve goals
  • Learn how to manage conflict
  • Achieve a healthy sense of respect for themselves and others

Each 45-minute class is led by highly qualified instructors. We provide a structured curriculum that helps children improve…

  • Flexibility
  • Coordination
  • Strength
  • Stamina

As students achieve their goals, they make progress toward the milestone moment when they earn their very own Black Belt in Taekwondo. Along the way, children forge lasting friendships, a shared identity, and a sense of common purpose. More importantly, Quest students learn the value of hard work, patience, and perseverance — character traits that stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Quest Taekwondo: Building Character From the Inside Out…


FREE one week trial, just call to schedule

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