“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” ~ Ronald Reagan

One of the key purposes for Taekwondo is defense, including the ability to take the lead to help others when they face a dangerous situation. At Quest, we instill leadership skills in our students so that they may develop HELPFULNESS towards others and a sense of civic responsibility.

Mr. Sean Cox and his lovely wife.

Last Saturday, our Taekwondo students, family, and friends, had the opportunity to go above and beyond to prepare themselves for responding to an emergency situation. With the help of Mr. Sean Cox many of the Quest students, parents and instructors learned the basics of CPR, rescue breathing, and emergency response. With 23 years of experience as an EMT and 10 years of experience as a CPR instructor for the American Heart Association, Mr. Cox, who is an Operations Manager for the second largest ambulance company in the US, was more than qualified to lead our CPR class.

He taught using a combination of demonstration, participation, and scenario awareness. Participants used didactic mannequins to practice the proper procedures for the following life-saving techniques:

  • Heart Saver CPR, AED
  • Child CPR, AED
  • Infant CPR, AED

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We thank Mr. Sean for giving our Taekwondo family the privilege to become CPR certified. It is our hope that everyone around us stays safe and healthy. However, should the need arise, there are now many at Quest who can help in an emergency.

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